What to Expect


  • We explore 19 unique “inherent and at times subconscious” behaviors that negatively impact interracial relations.

  • Copper to Gold uses multimedia, current research on racism, and questions for consultation and reflection


  • We offer two cohorts per year, spring and fall.

  • Duration is 16 weeks, 2 hours per session

  • We offer a variety of days and times for participants to choose from.


  • Zoom

Some Behaviors Covered

  • Whiteness and White Privilege

  • Gaslighting

  • Avoiding Conversations About Race

  • Intention vs. Impact


The course takes place in a closed group setting where intimacy and trust are fostered. We encourage the sharing of personal experiences as a path toward self-discovery and to develop an awareness of different perspectives.

Special Arrangements

We are happy to consult on setting up a time that works best for you and your group.